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Frank Smoot: Author

Meet Dr. Frank B. Smoot, DD, MA ....
Success Coach, Counselor, Author


Up Close and Personal
"In his own words..."

It has been my pleasure to work with Dr. Smoot as editor on several projects. Together, we approach 50 years of practical experience helping people improve their lives and enjoy better quality of life. What's exciting are plans to develop products packed with tips for healthy, fun and lasting relationships! 

"111 Things Every Woman Must Know About Men"
"Love's Fatal Illusions "

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"111 Things Every Woman Must Know About Men"
- by Dr. Frank Smoot

"There are some things in life no woman can afford to be in the dark about. And men are at the top of that list. OK, we're at least near the top, right? Anyway, this is a book full of stuff women ought to know about men. Because knowing how we really are helps you make smarter choices. Yeah, some of you guys will probably hate me for 'spilling the beans.' But hey, this is in our best interest, too. I mean, just think how cool it would be if the women in your life stopped expecting you to be somebody you're not... and will never be. It could only lead to happier, healthier relationships. And isn't that what we're all really looking for?"

Readers have said....

•  "Simple, clear, wise, and very, very funny."
D. W. Moore, Author The Emperor's Virtual Clothes

•  "Really, really funny... Very humorous and true..."
E. Fein, coauthor The Rules

•  "My wife always said she didn't understand me - or men in general. NOW she does."
Steven K. click here to order

"Love's Fatal Illusions " - by Dr. Frank Smoot

"The blunt truth is that romantic illusions can be absolutely deadly - to our relationships, and to love itself. In fact, some of us are literally killing ourselves, and each other, over 'love' gone wrong... See what they're costing you in happiness - every day."

Readers have said....

•  "Packed with valuable insights that will help you create successful relationship and lasting love."
E. Fein, coauthor of the best-selling The Rules

•  "I find this book helpful in many ways. The author took great care to point lovers on the right path."
S. Wolf, LSW, author of So You Want to Get Married

•  "Finally a down-to-earth book that both the client-patient and the therapist can use to assist in overcoming faults, or irrational illusions regarding love. I have been fortunate to utilize this book with four current clients, and they have found it most useful."
T. Sullivan, Ph.D., President, Behavioral Modification Associates 

click here to order

In his own words...

"First, I'm a real person, just like you. The people who decide to work with me do so because they find me to be extremely down to earth. They tell me that's why they can relate to me, and why - as a team - we get such great results.

My first 'formal' credential is a graduate degree in clinical psychology, and I have practiced as a licensed psychotherapist. I no longer care to operate in today's complicated 'managed care' environment. That's one reason I went 'independent.'

I also hold a Doctor of Divinity in Holistic Theology, which reflects my strong interest in the spiritual aspect of who we humans are, and the need to involve body, mind, and spirit in all healing processes.

I have been coaching people for more than a decade on such subjects as weight loss, healthy relationships, and personal / spiritual growth. My mission as a coach is to help people discover the truth, and to help them identify and remove the barriers to their own success. It's not hard to do, and it's often fun. It's also extremely rewarding and even life-changing.

I've written a number of books on the subjects I like to coach on:

•  111 Thing Every Woman Must Know About Men

•  Love's Fatal Illusions

•  The 7 Hidden Secrets of Struggle-Free Weight Loss

•  Weight Loss God's Way

But my 'real' qualifications are my decades of experience at learning how we humans operate, and the time I've spent working with all the remarkable people I've met."   Dr. Frank B. Smoot

For more information write

CYN-R-JE Consultants, LLC ™
PO Box 124
Townsend, VA 23443
Phone: 757-331-2216 | Fax: 928-569-7472

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