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Meals ready in 15 minutes or less!!

Great recipes are everywhere you look these days, but who has time to plan and prepare? I am a freelance business writer and in my spare time I love to cook. But as my business has grown, my time in the kitchen has diminished. So as a timersaver for both you and me, I have created an eCookbook with 75 recipes that can be ready to serve in 15 minutes or less! There are more than 30 main dish recipes - one for every day of the month . In addition, you will find super quick and very easy recipes for soups, salads, side dishes and desserts. I've also sprinkled cooking tips throughout this 36-page publication that will help save time in the kitchen.

For busy folks everywhere, this eCookbook is for you! It's for the person who dislikes spending much time in the kitchen, or the professional who has brought home a report to review after a quick dinner, or the mom who needs to get the kids fed in between soccer practice and cub scouts.

Only $5.99!!
Don't delay - get your copy today!

Purchse Manic Meals

CYN-R-JE Consultants, LLC ™
PO Box 124
Townsend, VA 23443
Phone: 757-331-2216 | Fax: 928-569-7472

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